
Anti Ragging

It is for the Information of all the students that ragging has been completely banned in all educational institutions. The Hon'ble Supreme Court of India has given strict directions to implement the recommendations as laid down in the Raghvan Committee Report. The same has also been displayed on the Institution Notice Board for the information of all the concerned. We are also serious about the implementation of the recommendations of the ommittee. Any student who may face ragging by the seniors/outsiders, mental or physical, shall immediately bring this to the notice of the faculty/staff member available. Similarly, any student who finds ragging being done in institution campus/paying guest accommodation or any other place shall bring in the notice of the institution staff immediately. In case no faculty/staff is available nearby or during odd hours, the student may contact directly the followings on their mobile phones: 

Anti ragging Committee members: 

@ Copyright 2021, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government Institute of Engineering & Technology